lundi 8 décembre 2014

5 ways to become familiar with bodybuilding

5 ways to become familiar with bodybuilding

No, this is not an article like "Why do weight training when you're a woman? Dropoff window. I did not even want to always highlight the same argument to convince you that you are not going to transform into He-Man! If you do any kind of muscle-building activity, and although you do not know what you're missing! Best metabolism, improved self-esteem, shapely silhouette, fight against bone loss and the fight against muscle loss that occurs with age.

One small disadvantage of bodybuilding compared to other activities can not begin without learning anything at all. It's not like jogging where you just put one foot before the other. No, start weight training involves learning a number of movements. If we do not educate a bit, so we will do anything and it will not do anything.

Here are 5 ways to learn the movements and technique.

Courses Body Pump

I had already written an article on during Body Pump: Although I am not too fan of these mega-being (too standardized, no personalized attention enough to the participants), they allow beginners to learn bodybuilding movements and learn the right techniques.

But still have to put enough weight on his bar if we really want to progress! Many participants are content to keep only 2.5 kg each side which is ridiculous from the moment one has done more than 3-4 sessions.

CrossFit classes

CrossFit or last training method to fashion, combines weightlifting, gymnastics and endurance activities. The emphasis is on technique, so you do not immediately begin to workout without spending a training session where they explain the exercises.
Disadvantage: CrossFit classes are only given in the CrossFit rooms, and subscribing to this kind of room even more expensive subscriptions to clubs 'classic': counting around 70 euro per month.

Request a free program to the club

A number of health clubs offer members a first appointment with a coach. Often, the club has a software that can 'create' automatic bodybuilding programs. These programs are far from a panacea, but the advantage is that they are in the form of illustrated images that you print. The coach explains the exercises and you made the attempt. Often it is an exercise circuit using different club machines. This type of program can be helpful to begin the first 3 weeks when it starts.

Pay or get paid sessions 'personal training'

Pay a personal coach, it is clear that it is not given. But if the coach is a true expert in the field, this is the ideal way to learn movements and technique. An idea to avoid having to pay 50 euro per session is to be offered a 'package' several sessions for a special occasion (birthday, for example).

Warning against by the level of qualification of the coach: it is better for someone with at least one license STAPS (Science and Physical Activities Techniques). The BPJEPS (Professional Diploma of Youth, Popular Education and Sport) is certainly a degree that many gym employees have, but that degree is primarily a facilitator diploma for giving group lessons music. A STAPS license guarantees that the coach has a good knowledge of biomechanics and can truly personalize the exercises and make you a customized program.

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