mercredi 10 décembre 2014

7 exercises to tone your abs

7 exercises to tone your abs

First, a (very) quick anatomy lesson

The abdominals are composed of four muscle groups: the rectus, oblique large, small oblique and transverse.
Obliques and rectus play an important role in stature and are solicited classic abdominal exercises.
The cross is the great responsible for a flat stomach. Placed as a strap in the abdomen, it can contain the abdominal organs. It is he who works when you enter the stomach.

Some exercises for abs super easy concrete

1. To strengthen your muscles

Sit on the edge of a chair, hands clinging to the seat bottom. Straighten out the back without the arch and lift one leg as high as possible while keeping the knee bent. To increase the difficulty you can raise extended leg. Remember to keep the back straight and stretched throughout the year.

2. To narrow your size

Stand with legs slightly bent, hands on shoulders, stomach pulled back straight without arching the kidneys, stretch the right arm up and tilt it to the left while inhaling. Straighten up while exhaling. Repeat with the left arm to the right. 20 times.

3. gainer your midsection

Lie on your stomach, forearms placed on the ground in line with the body in the chest, raise your body by not resting on her toes and forearms. Tighten the buttocks and tummy tuck to align the legs, head and back. Hold.

Daily reflexes for an even more toned stomach

4. Draw your stomach

Abdominal used to maintain the body. As such, they are involved in each of the daily tasks. For example, to pick up an object, first hold your stomach and bend your knees. Similarly to meet you, first hold your stomach and push hard on your legs to straighten you still not lean forward.

5. Stand up straight

To avoid releasing your abs, always pull your shoulders back and straighten you up, look straight. This attitude helps to tone the abdominal muscles.

6. Breathe

Abdominal breathing is a working abs along with gym exercises. Here, practice any time (walking, waiting for the bus, between meetings ...): standing, feet flat, knees slightly bent, tight buttocks, shoulders back, lift your head and look ahead. Inhale through your nose slowly bulging belly and breathe through the mouth while returning without rounding your back.

7. Get active

Plant, the midsection is involved in any sport. Make regular sport whatever contributes to the abdominal muscles and maintain.

Abdominal and perineal: precautions

The perineum is applied in practice abdominal because increasing the pressure in the abdomen area, we risk pushing down the organs: the perineum is forced to cope with this pressure which, in the long can relax.

To preserve the perineum when made abs, it is important to follow some basic rules:

  • Lock the perineum during exercise: the forces will thus be directed upwards and there will be no pressure on the perineum.
  • Do not inflate the belly while exercising the contrary belly must dig!
  • Do not hold your breath: exhale in a gentle way through the mouth during exercise and inhale when you release stress.
  • Finally never closer shoulders pelvis, pushing moreover the head with arms: exit so the "classic" abs that shorten the rectus, bring out the belly instead of the back and push all the organs to the down.
  • Instead all abdominal should be done in stretch position: the diaphragm is free to move up in the chest cavity and perineum will be relieved of any pressure.

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