mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Cladding session abs

Cladding session abs

Here's a small meeting of 4 exercises to work the abdominal and shoulders bonus. Small warning: some exercises are much more difficult than they appear!

For beginners, maintain a stationary position cladding 'classic' (in «plank» position of the body straight, hands and feet on the floor) is sufficient. These exercises are designed more to an audience a little more experienced. I found these animated photos on the site of this blonde fitness coach (

The sequence of exercises I tested:

Cladding side with small contractions - 10 reps

Immediately followed without pause:

Side cladding with leg raise - 10 reps

Once the right, once to the left.


Cladding side by touching his foot with the hand, 10 reps each side, alternating from side to each repetition (so 20 repetitions in all). This is the most difficult.

Cladding face with raised knees and alternate hands / elbows: 10 repetitions.

Then repeat the exercise circuit again if possible ... all really made me work on my coordination and heat the shoulders, not just the abs!

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